Coding & Web Development
The interactive component
Giving your most vital communities an online destination to converge upon and interact with is a key part of any virtual or digital activation. No matter how simple or robust the website, event microsite, or online hub is intended to be, it must be a place that reflects your brand and delivers the experience your visitors want.The Digital Collective member primarily responsible for Coding and Development is Antenna Group.
Antenna Group (“Antenna”) is a full-service digital marketing that builds high-quality, custom, data-driven, personalized websites and web experiences. Over the last 10+ years, Antenna has worked on hundreds of websites across industries, countries, and platforms.
With COVID-19 preventing 2020 physical graduations from taking place, Duke University didn’t want this esteemed group of graduates to feel forgotten or unimportant. AJ partnered with Antenna to create an online platform called "Marking the Moment”. It functioned as a celebratory space for graduates and their families to meet and interact with the broader Duke community, and it lives on as a time capsule for this unique moment in Duke’s history.
Case Study
